When it comes to knowing the information about your assigned AIOU Tutor Name, Contact Number and Address, that comprehensive guide helps you out. At AIOU, the tutor is a person that responsible for marking your assignments and managing online workshops of students. You can also check your tutor’s address by using Registration Number and Roll Number.
At AIOU, you can print out Tutors addresses and other essential information in a PDF format. That is very beneficial for you to contact your tutors to discuss about your subject when you required. When you are posting your assignments through courier, a phone number and address is required to write over that courier letter. That’s way, you can trace the important information about your tutor in short time.
Download AIOU Tutor Address
As you know the number of students at AIOU increased, the number of Tutors also increased. Many students confuse subject topics and struggle to trace their assigned tutors’ postal information. SO in this case, I will provide you a simple solution for new students. They can trace their assigned tutors Name and address information through on link and also download that information in PDF format.
Check Assignment Tutor AIOU
Now on Allama Iqbal Open University official website, you can check tutor address by using student enrolled ID. Before that, students face trouble while finding their assigned tutor at AIOU. Then university takes a very helpful steps for students to find their assigned tutor and upload all information about relevant tutor on the student profile. Now students just log in their ID and find tutor information easily.
Tutor AIOU Address Finding Method
Here is a simple step-by-step guide to finding out the tutor’s address at AIOU. Go on student enrollment page on AIOU Official website through your laptop or smartphone and follow these easy steps.
Step 1
First of all you have to contact to the AIOU focal person for creating your new account on student portal of AIOU. Then enter your student ID details like Registration Number and Password on that page and press login.
Step 2
When your student portal gets opened, then take your cursor to the MY TUTOR BOX and click over that option.
Step 3
A new window will appear. Then click on My Courses Tutor option. This step will show you your entire tutors list when followed. It will display all subject tutors in a sequence, allowing you to print information about your relevant subject tutors for future use.
In this way, you will find out your relevant subject tutors information and easily post your assignments to that tutor.
Important Note: Tutors are assigned according to the students address areas. All the tutors are appointed by the head office in Islamabad. The AIOU head office remains open throughout the year except Sunday and other public holidays. If the portal displays the wrong tutor’s address and returns the student’s assignment, the student needs to contact their tutor via mobile number to request the correct new address.
AIOU supports distance learning in a very appropriate way by the appointment of good tutors for their students. These tutors play a very important role for new students in their career building and giving them useful knowledge their fields. AIOU teachers are very talented and most of them are PhD Degree holders and have deep research in their subjects.
You can get exact tutor address details from AIOU main website if the tutor is too close to your house you meet them personally, and must go along with your assignments and give them personally. If your assignment is well researched then you will get good marks as well.
What if AIOU Tutor Address is not found?
If you unable to find the address, wait for few days if still not then don’t worry just contact your regional office in your city. They’ll provide you Tutor’s Address.
Please tell me about my tutors